Bernard TENAND

Back pain yoga

Movement to perform to transform back pain into good

This movement can only be effective in the long term when a perfect cleaning has been undertaken and carried out at home. In this case, after two weeks it will no longer be necessary. Yoga movement of yogi COUDOUX Do the following movement several times a day in sets of three to four in a row. Standing with your feet flat on the ground forming a 30° angle, heels together, arms horizontal in front of you, fingers spread apart, thumbs touching at the tips, index fingers are therefore parallel, the air in the chest is emptied, the movement is about to begin. Raise simultaneously and gently little by little on the tiptoes, the hands following the same movement rise upwards.

At the same time, squeeze your buttocks very tightly, at the end of the movement your arms are stretched towards the sky and as far as possible towards the back of your head, you are on tiptoe as much as possible, your heels are very tight against each other and your thumbs touch above your head, fingers spread apart. This movement can and should hurt you. But it is never dangerous. Above all, it brings a lot of good.

For beginners or the 12.08.2011

For people who have difficulty performing this movement completely and perfectly the first time, it is possible to truncate this movement for the first sessions. Find a bar or a chest of drawers at home, a piece of furniture that is if possible higher than a table, Lean on this piece of furniture with both hands, and make the movement without the part that raises the arms. It is necessary, -to gradually rise on tiptoe which is placed at 10:10 -to tighten the heels -to squeeze the buttocks very hard -the whole movement keeping the body vertical and straight. -Do this several times a day, six times per session. This movement is easier because there is no balance to maintain. After a few days you can try the complete movement, if it is impossible for you continue with the simplest. As long as you do this movement rigorously, even simplified, and with regularity, the back pain will diminish and disappear after 4 weeks.

In case your home has not been cleaned or has been cleaned incompletely, it will be necessary to do it continuously.

Aside from back pain, the above also means: My back is sick. So read “How to live better?”

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Il est necessaire de connaitre la cause avant de prendre une décision : nom prenom date de naissance?

Bernard Tenand

Bonjour le nettoyage Harmonisateur d’un lieu est l’opération qui consiste a supprimer toutes les ondes nocives d’un lieu d’habitation
Dans une habitation ou au travail les nuisances insidieuses que l on reçoit provoquent 85% des maladies qui nous atteignent.
Simultanement je degage les phabitants du lieu de charges ancestrales et de leurs maladies actuelles pour une tres grands partie/Il faut donc que ce soit fait correctement.

Bernard Tenand

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