Bernard TENAND

Crohn's disease

Maladie de Crohn

Crohn's disease is one of the chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). It can affect the entire digestive tract (from the mouth to the anus), as well as the skin, but most often develops in some parts of the digestive tract (preferably the colon, part of the small intestine or the anus). It is a complex disease. It progresses in flare-ups (acute phases) alternating with so-called remission phases (i.e. disappearance of the clinical signs of the disease). It can lead to intestinal obstructions


Abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, obstructions, weight loss and fevers

Radiesthesia and Geobiology intervened

Good evening Mr. Tenand,

back from my exams last week (I wanted to wait for my appointment with my gastroenterologist today to get back to you, because the summaries in the room after anesthesia are complicated, I only remember 20%). So it's pretty good, at least from what is visible at the colono and fibro, no more traces of Crohn's, or at least only scars.

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