Bernard TENAND

Lyme disease

Lyme disease

Lyme disease is an infection that is transmitted to humans through a tick bite.

When a person walks in a forest, or if they have a job that requires them to be in contact with wood, they can catch this disease, sometimes without even knowing it.

In fact, the tick found in wooded areas does not hesitate to bite in order to feed itself, since it needs blood to live.

A person who returns from a walk in the woods or who has carried out an activity in the forest, must carefully examine every corner of their body when returning home, to check that they have not been the victim of a tick bite.

Often, the tick bites in places where we don't always think to look, such as in the groin or neck.

If in doubt, it is best to go to your doctor who will be able to provide advice, solutions, and care adapted to the situation.

Lyme disease is widespread, both nationally and worldwide, and is highly treatable, but it is desirable to treat the condition immediately to prevent the disease from spreading.

Dowsing and geobiology can eradicate this disease, I have an example at the moment.

Apart from antibiotics with their side effects, iron in the right doses could do these patients some good 20.05.2014

Lyme disease is identified in my repertoire with Fundamental Radius: 342°, Wavelength: 15.5

Radiesthesist care by effective wave transfer: Potassium, Phosphorus, Silicon, Argon.

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