Bernard TENAND

Nutella = danger!

First published on this site on October 7, 2014 I measured a jar of Nutella by dowsing and I found radioactivity in it, why? That's what I wrote in 2012 on my old site. In fact, I found that Nutella was harmful to humans since 2012. Email from a customer dated 10/14/2015 at 7:51 p.m.

Good evening Mr Tenand THANKS You were right about Nutella being radioactive: I am attaching a document that confirms this. Good reading Sincerely Jeans

I will post below what I found, curiously not, by a lab in France

you have to read German Federal Environment Agency

article You and your health For once, I accept the word "carcinogenic" for a substance because this substance is radioactively negative to the highest degree.

Here is an analysis site where glutamate is found

The names of ingredients that contain processed free glutamic acid

My analysis: mono-2-ethyl-hexyl phthalate = negative radioactive = uranium, i.e. in the Mendeleev table 92 238.03. U.

MSG: English name for monosodium glutamate

Gluten story, my analysis: 100% natural wheat does not contain gluten that is dangerous for humans.

If many manufacturers and sellers surf on the gluten niche, it is because there are many people who believe in what shines. It would be desirable to know their state of health and the real quality of the products they have absorbed. All those and they are very numerous who are taken by the antichrist can very well know the discomfort among other "gluten" and many other allergies and ailments. Thanks again to dowsing.


Merci pour la réponse, en effet voilà le problème comme vous dites ..A géométrie variable .. Même le corps peut se tromper ! Cela nous fait perdre notre instinct et pas qu’alimentaire :o)
Bonne journée


Bonjour Je ne peut répondre les appellations sont a géométrie variables pour égarer le consommateur avec l’aide objective des politiques. Je sais qu il y a deux glutamate un naturel et l autre chimique c’est ce dernier qui est un poison
Voir les appellations dans les liens que j’ai posté bT

Bernard Tenand

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