Vaccination has entered the national medical space for several decades for good and bad. The debate for or against the benefits of vaccination is still relevant. For me, a dowser, I am not sure that it is the best solution. However, when we live in society, it is better to accept. Some arrangements are possible. A refusal could seem audacious, reckless and always difficult. Vaccination can produce more or less serious side effects.
Vaccination with its corollary, preparation.
The principle of vaccination came into effect in our society with a controversial figure who had the advantage of being a friend of Napoleon III. Indeed, the first vaccinations were quite chaotic to say the least. We continue to vaccinate against rabies (rabies vaccine) in France. This vaccination concerns certain animals and humans for trips abroad to so-called "at risk" countries, even though this disease has practically disappeared but nevertheless remains fatal. The obligation to vaccinate sells and keeps alive an institute receiving substantial aid from the state (Us) without producing what is expected of it. The numerous side effects observed but not always explained persist. National transparency, as in many areas, remains to come.
A virus, a bacterium, a microbe, always has as its origin, a negative source, disease, waste, or an organic manipulation contrary to Creation. Its propagation is accelerated by relays (animals and/or humans) where the virus, microbe or bacteria finds food. Like any living organism, it needs to feed itself. Its food is exclusively negative. Let us improve the health of earthlings. Viruses, microbes and bacteria will no longer circulate.
Pre-vaccination repair tips
In order to limit the side effects, I can advise you to do a little preparation before vaccination which is beneficial.
About eight days before vaccination, it will be a good idea to:
- Put all external and internal events in your family into perspective. Gain inner peace.
- Drink 1.5 liters of water per 24 hours (or purifying herbal teas). Do not drink alcohol, tea, coffee or any kind of stimulant.
- Eat as much seasonal fruit and vegetables as you want, 100% natural and grown in the country where you live.
- Refrain from consuming red meat, cold cuts, spices, and significantly reduce salt, sugar and animal fats.
- Stop smoking.
- To stop watching television earlier than usual: at 10 p.m. at the latest.
- Go to bed early with positive thoughts about others.
This will improve your vitality and help you better cope with this vaccination.
Suitability of different Covid vaccines in relation to humans
Name of Vaccine | Marketing authorization | Polarities | Adequacy (%) |
Astrazeneca | -107 616 000 000 Hz | 25% | |
Curevac | -107 616 000 000 Hz | 20% | |
Coronac Sinovac | -107 616 000 000 Hz | 15% | |
Janssen Jhonson and Jhonson | + 1,640,000 Hz | 95% | |
Modern | -107 616 000 000 Hz | 20% | |
Novavax | - 750 Hz | 90% | |
Pfizer | -107 616 000 000 Hz | 20% | |
Sanofi GSK (serum) | - 750 Hz | 90% | |
Sputnik V | -107 616 000 000 Hz | 20% | |
This table was produced according to the principles of radiesthesia measurement, following radiesthesia tuning.
These results are to be taken for a person in "good health", that is to say, according to the definition of the WHO:
Health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"
Caption: table titles
NAME : These vaccine names were found on the internet.
AMM : vaccines approved in France by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM)
POLARITIES : Level of energies brought by the vaccine , more beneficial, less harmful.
ADEQUACY in % : Defines the percentage beneficial for the healthy human who will receive it.
Libre arbitre – choix de sa liberté de santé et Misericorde a tous.
Dieu nous a creer a son image, donc attention a l irrespect et a la trahison de sa propre nature biologique structurelle.
Le vaccin est une chose certes, et encore quand l Ogm s en mele parfois. Mais la therapie genie en est une autre!… Suivons le guide present en nos coeur. La voie Christique qui mene au Pere.Comme vous l avez deja dit M. BT. Dans l incertitude, de se dire que ferait Jesus a ma place ? Et la reponse nous vient.
Bonjour Mme JOUBERT il semble que vous étés a l écoute que des dires négatifs Avez vous vu que le Jansen est positif il est le seul.Pour les dires j’ai l’avantage de détecter les mauvais diseux et les bons faiseux. Je persiste dans ce que j ai écrit dans la totalité de l’article. Le Respect des Lois Divines de la Création Universelle.
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