This service will allow you to clearly discover your situation in relation to the expressions of the Pentacle of Wonders.
In fact, they alone bring together everything that can be written or has been written on this subject.
I have collected dozens of pieces of information on the people I treat. I accumulate the level of evaluation (from 1 to 10), applied to each of the themes of the Pentacle of Wonders. This total faithfully corresponds to the level of overall health (physical and mental) evaluated from 1 to 100 for each person. It's fantastic!
Elevating oneself spiritually does not cost anything financially, it is simply a personal investment. This well-being is therefore accessible to all.
This approach to self-knowledge is certainly the best research to learn to truly know yourself. Moreover, it is one of the simplest.
Serenity and success are at the end of this path. So, we must not look elsewhere as we might be tempted to do.
This approach is beyond time, space, material, hard, dense, product, object. It is therefore beyond any bargaining.
In conclusion, I would say that knowing yourself allows you to know if you have the will to change, for a much better life in all areas.