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The transferer
The transferer
This device, manufactured according to the particularities of the golden ratio, is intended to treat humans and animals remotely.
The transferer is very efficient.
It comes alone or with charts. Better still, an offer coupled with a 12-month subscription to the care programs is also available.
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Aura Health
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The transferer is made according to the beneficial characteristics of the golden ratio. Based on the reciprocal circles of Mr Jean de La FOYE, this tool, as its name indicates, is intended to transfer. It transfers positive waves. In the Universe everything is a materialized wave.
Human-friendly products emit positive vibes.
These positive waves are the expression of the products because, in fact, each organic, chemical or physical body has its own wavelength. It emits the waves that correspond to it. Thus calcium emits on a frequency of 87 Hz.
By transferring calcium to the person, the person receives this wave. It will therefore be easy, thanks to the tuner, to verify that this person has indeed received calcium.
The transferer is available:
- without abacusprogramming, with a set of numbers written on both sides, in bold, black (from 0 to 9).
- with abacusdefined programming for 140 organs and 260 diseases.
It weighs 212 grams net and measures 18.3 cm x 10.3 cm x 1 cm thick.
Packed the dimensions are 24 x 15 x 3 cm for 272 grams without abacuses.
With abacuses the same measurements and a weight of 300 grams. It is made of a very hard material, practically unwearable.
Transferable products are foods, antibiotics, medicines, dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, Mendeleev elements (magnesium Mg) and any clearly defined substances that are beneficial for the person to be helped.
The advantage of this system is that it only transfers the wavelength. This avoids transferring the negative part of the products or their excipients. Any harmful effects are therefore not transmitted to the person being helped.
This transferer is very easy to implement by following the clear, simple but nevertheless complete explanations of theuser manual.
- Weight: 235 g
- Dimensions: 18 x 10 x 2 cm
Bonjour Monsieur l’inconnu ,en effet ce transfereur ressemble peu a celui de Jean de la Foye sur lequel je me suis appuyé,par contre il fonctionne excellemment, Monsieur l’invisible. Sans une présentation claire de votre part j’effacerais vos messages. La haine n’a jamais été profitable sur le long terme et empêche d être un bon radiesthésiste.
Le transféreur est un appareil hautement efficace, il agit vite. Ultra efficace c’est de l’ordre du miracle comme les autres appareils … Bien utilsés ils vous emmènent tout droit vers l’efficacité du résultat. Merci Mr Tenand
Ce transféreur est vraiment magique, je viens encore de guérir d’un Covid déclaré avec symptômes et en moins de 24H, une petite fille qui habite Hong-Kong et tout ça de chez moi, à coté de Nantes, sans compétence particulière il suffit de suivre les instructions des abaques. Quel bonheur de pouvoir faire le bien autour de soi, un très grand merci Bernard et tous mes compliments.
Je suis équipé de ce transféreur dont l’efficacitété est absolument époustouflante et tient même du miracle tant l’effet est rapide voir instantané ! C’est génial, un grand merci à vous Bernard pour vos travaux.
Appareil fiable et fonctionnel. très utile dans la boite à outils du radiesthésiste.