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Keargwen Energy Plateau
Keargwen Energy Plateau
Meaning of Keargwen in Celtic:
- Ke ugant: place of God
- Ar bred: The nothingness from which God draws our soul
- Gwen Ved: White Light, the Divine
Kergwen Plateau (P.015)
Aura Health
Product information
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Description of the Keargwen Plateau
The Keargwen Plateau,It is the true cosmic energy “Spirit of nature”, Spirit of the Druids.
The Keargwen Plateau is a condensation of all the planets of our solar system. It contains the high vibrations of the Sun, Benelos, Lucellos of Amon. It stores perpetual energy to redistribute it. In addition, it contains the high vibrations of all the main metals.
So Keargwen delivers the strong vibrations of gold, silver, lead, tin, mercury, iron, copper and all the trace elements and all the
vitamins necessary for life
The Keargwen board increases tenfold the strength and all the qualities of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
It gives the strength of the four elements: Earth, Fire, Air, Water.
The Keargwen plate is a huge vibration that goes up to 135°, opening over 3.50 ml of spherical radius, that is, on the sides and also
both above and below.
The Keargwen Plateau has the capacity:
to sanitize a place within a radius of 3.00 ml, except for entities.
to treat you when it is presented between 0 and 5 centimeters from the diseased part,
strongly de-energize drinks, food, medicines, plants, minerals, objects, handwritten or printed letters.
Our advice for the Keargwen Plateau.
You should drink small sips kept in your mouth for as long as possible, water that has spent a few dozen seconds on Keargwen will immediately give you all the necessary trace elements.
Also the Keargwen tray by the energization of water can transform your ordinary vegetable garden into an extraordinary vegetable garden. Placed on the mattress at the level of your head, it helps you remember your dreams
Keargwen never discharges because it is perpetual and never charges because it is a timeless form emission. Your Keargwen tray can be placed flat or vertically. on the floor. on the ceiling. Its influence is soheric. Finally, your tray requires no maintenance, except to be protected from humidity. It is a complement to the harmonization of a place but it can in no way replace it.
It is rot-proof.
Keargwen is a creation of Bernard TENAND
Keargwen Plateau Summary
Discover the Keargwen Plateau, a marvel of nature and technology, combining cosmic energies with refined craftsmanship. This one-of-a-kind plateau is a concentration of the vibrations of the planets of our solar system, capturing the high frequencies of the Sun, Benelos, Lucellos of Amun, and others.
Keargwen is a veritable reservoir of perpetual energy, redistributing the vibrations of precious metals such as gold, silver, and others, as well as all the vitamins and trace elements essential to life. In addition to its ability to energize drinks, foods, medicines, and even to purify places, Keargwen is endowed with exceptional strength, amplifying the qualities of the twelve signs of the zodiac and the four elements of nature: Earth, Fire, Air, Water.
Its spherical influence and impressive range of action make it an ally of choice for your daily well-being. Placed in your environment, Keargwen transforms and elevates, bringing harmony and balance. In addition, its ease of maintenance and durability make it a practical and timeless object. Designed by Bernard Tenand, the Keargwen Tray is not only a tool for well-being but also a piece of art enriching your living space.
- Weight: 240 g
- Dimensions: 17 x 17 x 1.5 cm
Le plateau Kaergwen est en usage constant dans notre ménage, que ce soit pour les plats préparés à table, pour l\’eau pour le thé et le café, le soin des nos plantes, dans les déplacements en voiture et surtout pour essuyer la fatigue émotionelle, on le met sur le ventre.
Au travail, je dois partager le bureau avec d\’autres personnes et jusque maintenant cette cohabitation dévorait mon énergie – ceci a changé depuis que je garde le plateau dans mon dos pendant le temps du travail. Je reste concentrée plus longtemps et je peux garder ma clarté d\’esprit. Un outil remède dont je n\’aimerais plus jamais me passer.
J’ai découvert la radiesthésie et la géobiologie grâce à Nathalie, fidèle disciple de Bernard.. je possède un kaergwen, un medaillon et un Ten’Or qui m’aident au quotidien. Je suis vraiment reconnaissante pour tous les bienfaits apportés… grâce à vous, Bernard, qui partagez et distribuez vos connaissances et vos dons pour le bien-être de tous !!! Si tout le monde utilisait ces outils dont les effets sont sans aucun doute Miraculeux.. l’humanité s’en porterait bien mieux !! MERCI de tout coeur !!!
The keargwen is magic. I am usually a skeptic as I need to see tangible results from something. This time I got what I was looking for, results that were tangible and believable. I have had the Keargwen for a couple of months and I use it for the odd pain here and there. Miraculously, each time, the pain is gone within 24 hours, often not returning, but sometimes needs a few more times but the pain really just disappears. I love it !! Thank you Bernard and Nath for introducing me to this wonder. Sharmin (Suisse) Message laissé en juin 2021
J’utilise le plateau keargwen et le médaillon keargwen depuis 3 ans 1/2 pour dynamiser nourriture et boissons au quotidien, pour décharger mes cristaux/pierres semi précieuses mais aussi bijoux, vêtements, mes courses, petites douleurs. Je dors toutes les nuits avec le keargwen sous mon oreiller. Je dynamise eau et croquettes/pâtés de ma chatte Yuna et elle a un keargwen sous le panier où elle dort. Je ne peux pas me passer de cet outil qui est selon moi indispensable et je voyage partout avec le keargwen. Merci Bernard pour tes enseignements en radiesthésie et géobiologie. Je ne peux que vous recommander de le tester.
Buenos días, yo tengo dos kearwen y los utilizo prácticamente para todo, para dolores, malestares, para descargar la comida, el agua, etc…. me va muy bien y lo recomiendo totalmente.