
Well-being with geobiology-aura-santé.com
The sneaky dangers
Preparation before vaccination
Covid-19, an end foretold
Hospital identification bracelets
List of carcinogenic factors
Glutamate E 122 and E 625 formidable additives
Dietary recommendations
Elements and memberships
Some products
Back pain yoga
Organic silica
Enjoy your meal
Provisional list of diseases treated
Some interesting products
The body and the palate
Interesting products
Bernard TENAND

Elements and memberships

As I researched deeper into the fundamental elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth, I became aware of some analogies. We...

Bernard TENAND

Some products

The products listed below have been tested by Bernard Tenand. Organic silica without preservative : LLR G5 Liquid silica...

Bernard TENAND

Back pain yoga

Movement to perform to transform back pain into good This movement can only be effective in the long term when...

Bernard TENAND

Organic silica

Organic Silica I will not enter into the polemics relaying the truth(s) about organic silica. Trade also goes through this....

Bernard TENAND


To have Monsanto look before it is already everywhere

Bernard TENAND


Genetically modified organism OG M has been around for some time now. There are three ways to find them or...

Bernard TENAND

Enjoy your meal

This is what I received from a trustworthy person ENJOY YOUR FOOD ! Paris mushrooms. From Paris: they only have...

Bernard TENAND

Provisional list of diseases treated

Provisional list of illnesses that can be treated by combined radiesthesia and geobiology Studies of antidotes to diseases Alcohol Healings...