
In search of a human ideal
Pentacle of Respect for Creation
Restoration of the tomb of the parents of Master Philippe de Lyon.
The Pentacle of Respect for Nature
The Pentacle of Wonders
Being aware of one's aversion to God
A Healing Prayer for Those Who Are Interested
The flaws that provide black magic
The origin of all our ills and setbacks
The belief that God exists
The eraser, the corrector and the joker
The greatest evil that eats away at us
Sources or causes of ailments
The Antichrist, this scourge
The monogram of Jesus Christ
The monogram of Allah
In the light of truth
The Saints (continued)
Our help for our daily guidance
Working with confidence
The higher divine spiritual elevation of a person
What to do in the face of the scourges of our society?
Law of reciprocity
The Our Father, a prayer that is so salutary.
Myth or reality
The success
Analysis of a centenarian
Diseases and....
Instructions for use for addictions
permanent ethics?
the Saints
The sacred and illness
Who was it ?
The diagrams
Religious consumption
The superstition
The entities
The disenchantment
To believe or not to believe in God?
Sheltered from entities
Bernard TENAND

Law of reciprocity

The law of reciprocity is simple and fair. It applies to everyone, it is permanent and dates from the creation...

Bernard TENAND

The Our Father, a prayer that is so salutary.

The Our Father revisited by Bernard TENAND, the vibration is enormous! The solution that allows you to help a person....

Bernard TENAND

Myth or reality

The cosmic egg myth or reality Since the dawn of time, the cosmic egg has been everywhere; it is given...

Bernard TENAND

The success

What is success? Laugh often and a lot. To deserve the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children....

Bernard TENAND

Analysis of a centenarian

Robert LEMARCHAND Centenarian and champion Robert Le Marchand has just cycled over 24 kilometres in one hour in front of...

Bernard TENAND

Diseases and....

Do all diseases have an antidote? God put everything on EARTH so that we can live well. I started from...

Elliot Infelta

Instructions for use for addictions

ADDICTIONS : reduce or remove them, instructions for use In all addictions the best cure is always the one that costs...

Bernard TENAND

permanent ethics?

Ethics How to match the eight expressions of the pentacle of wonders with everyday life and with the human rights...