
Glaucoma and cataracts etc.-aura-santé.com
The July Coronavirus
Cancer, between science and dowsing
Coronavirus as of May 22, 2020
Coronavirus, according to dowsing
The cancer
Crohn's disease
Cancer and miracle products?
Cancer: publications
Cancer Results
Lyme disease
Gastroenteritis, diarrhea
Osteoarthritis and similar or related diseases
Elliot Infelta

Cancer and miracle products?

Beware of miracle products for cancer and other diseases I see advertisements for miracle products that cure cancer blooming on...

Bernard TENAND

Cancer: publications

Bernard TENAND

Cancer Results

4.09.2015 Hello sir: news from Papa JC P after scintigraphy: the metastases in the tibia have disappeared! The others in...

Bernard TENAND

Lyme disease

Lyme disease Lyme disease is an infection that is transmitted to humans through a tick bite. When a person walks...

Addie Bocanegra

Gastroenteritis, diarrhea

Gastroenteritis, diarrhea, etc. First do a 24 hour diet Rice water -A glass of water -Some water -Raw white rice...

Bernard TENAND

Osteoarthritis and similar or related diseases

This condition is one of the targets of geobiology like many other degenerative diseases. I found 4 methods that I...