
Glaucoma and cataracts etc.-aura-santé.com
The sneaky dangers
Preparation before vaccination
The July Coronavirus
Cancer, between science and dowsing
Coronavirus as of May 22, 2020
Covid-19, an end foretold
I tested COVID-19 by Dowsing
Coronavirus, according to dowsing
Thyroid problems and dowsing
Beat osteoarthritis without chemicals with dowsing!
The cancer
Crohn's disease
Back pain
Blood tests
Provisional list of diseases treated
Lyme disease
Osteoarthritis and similar or related diseases
Bernard TENAND

Coronavirus, according to dowsing

Coronavirus Covid-19 according to dowsing. Good practices and rules to follow. Precautionary measures not to be neglected.

Bernard TENAND

Thyroid problems and dowsing

Since the publication of this article, 2 people have followed my life advice with some radiesthesist treatments. Then a few...

Bernard TENAND

Beat osteoarthritis without chemicals with dowsing!

It is possible to overcome osteoarthritis without chemicals or anything other than a transfer agent (see in store). All you...

Bernard TENAND

The cancer

It is possible, through the frequency of an organ, to feel the primitive presence of a cancer...

Bernard TENAND

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is one of the chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). It can affect the entire digestive tract (from the...

Bernard TENAND


What is this ? Also called adult-onset or mature-onset diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM) is a metabolic disease characterized by chronic...

Bernard TENAND


CANCER DETECTION You may not agree with what I write in this case explain it to me through the contact...

Bernard TENAND

Back pain

Back pain This illness is very disturbing and disruptive, it can ruin your entire days and also make you aggressive....